Donate Goods
Your donations help creative professionals furnish and decorate homes for families in need.
Donate GoodsA non-profit design community dedicated to furnishing and decorating homes for families and individuals in transition
When you give, we are able to deliver a professional excellence in every home designed to leave the family or individual with a dignified, loving, and hopeful feeling.
We feel called to love our neighbor and believe we can do that by activating all creative professionals to help change people’s lives through design.
Families and individuals transitioning into an empty home are more likely to return to the street or re-enter the system.
But with a fully furnished home and supportive resources, we have witnessed an incredible success rate in ending the homeless cycle in that family or individual’s life. A real sense of home is life changing.
Donate Goods
Your donations help creative professionals furnish and decorate homes for families in need.
Donate GoodsVolunteer Your Time
Every designer or design enthusiast can help us make a difference with their time and knowledge.
VolunteerSponsor A Room/House
We personalize each room, tailor each element and make every space both functional & beautiful.
SponsorGiving a sense of home is priceless. People can hold a job, start a business and help their communities.
80% of your gift goes directly to the families and individuals we serve, while 20% covers Pen + Napkin's operations costs.
Join our community of monthly donors committed to ending homelessness. Every month, your contribution will help our designer community to help end the homeless experience in the life of a family.
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